Georgia Lily

Georgia Lily
My Love Bug

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It is Well With my Soul

   Ok, first off, I would like to apologize for not posting in a few days but I have not felt that God had given me anything to write and I do not want to post just to post.  I want to inspire people with the word of God and if He is not given me anything than I cannot possibly write anything. Also, because it has been a few days He has given me many things to write about so I apologize in advance if it gets a bit lengthy.

I Am the Clay, He is the Potter
   This has been a resounding message this week. I am the clay and God is my potter. He knows my clay and He knows exactly what He is looking for. He is shaping and molding me into what He sees when He looks at me, the image of his daughter. "Yet Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; we are the work of Your hands." Isaiah 64:8 Now you are saying, well what does this have to do with Georgia?, well everything of course! Because of her, my precious Love Bug, God is shaping me; He is making me patient, He has given me unconditional love, He has made me more compassionate towards others, and best of all, He has bestowed one of His angels into my care. Oh, how I wish I could turn back the clock and learned this two years ago. God is so good!

   Not many people outside of my husband and some family members know about the anger that has consumed me for the last few years. But our God knows everything and things you think are hidden will come into the light and in the most unsuspecting ways. "Therefore, don't be afraid of them, since there is nothing covered that won't be uncovered and nothing hidden that won't be made known." Matthew 10:26  I would look around at all these people who have these children that are "well" and do not appreciate all their children are doing or I would be envious, thinking of all that my child lacked in the social and cognitive areas. Well, that is not how God wants me to be, He wants me to be joyous at all costs, He wants to work through me but I have to lose all the anger. So, with that being said, I gave it all away, I left it behind me. No matter what happens from now on, I will not let anger get the best of me. Now, I'm not saying that I won't ever be upset over Georgia having seizures but I'm not going to be angry at God anymore. He deserves a ready and willing spirit.

Not Last but First
"Indeed there will be those who will be last who will be first, and first will be last." Luke 13:30 Ok, last night this came to me in a dream. This verse right here. I did not understand it and some of you may disagree but this is what God gave to me as interpretation, my precious baby, God bless her, is behind her peers in a significant way. But in a great way, she is a perfect little lamb, she does not know how to be mean, she does not deliberately disobey to disobey, she does not throw tantrums to get her way. I know she understands things, I probably do not give her enough credit, but in large she does not understand evil or how to be malicious. These precious babies and people like her are going to walk straight through Heaven's gates right into the arms of Jesus, they know no evil just like Jesus.

In Mysterious Ways
   So God has been speaking to me through a Christian fiction novel by Janice Thompson. He has been filling me with beautiful words through this book, so I know He is still here with me.
  • "You can trust God with the changes you go through"
  • "Where there is life, there is hope."
  •  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, make your requests known." (Phillipians 4:6)
  • "Trust God for a new season."
  • "You do not have to worry. Do the things you need to do and leave the rest to me."
  • "In the meantime, just trust him. He's got things under control, even the things we can't see."
  •  "But you never know the what new roads He has for you unless you open yourself up to the possiblity."
A Great Day!
   I have to give all the praise to God for today. Georgia missed her meds today, not on purpose, but for whatever reason she did not get her medicine. Well, just that should have set the tone for today, making her seize more than normal, fussy, uncooperative. Well, she did seize more today, however, she had a great day! She smiled through the seizures, she did not fuss, and was so playful. Daddy even made her giggle when she saw him tonight! Praise God! That alone is enough to revive my spirits for the rest of the week. No matter what comes tomorrow I will thank God for today.

It is well with my soul and may it be with yours as well.

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