Georgia Lily

Georgia Lily
My Love Bug

Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Girl

   First things first, Georgia is doing fabulous, thank you for asking. :) She shook her head no to me yesterday and she imitated something I did the other day. She was trying to put her fingers in my mouth and I was shaking my head no and laughing at her, she started shaking her head as well. She has a beautiful laughter that can be heard throughout the house and fills my heart with such happiness and pure unadulterated joy! Words cannot properly express the feeling of being free, I feel free to dream for my daughter again, not to dread what the future held for us.I owe all the glory to God, my Savior and Deliverer. 
   Tomorrow starts the first day of what I believe to be the next chapter in our lives. Part of starting another chapter means you have found closure with the last chapter. I do honestly trust that we can put this behind us. No longer is Georgia held in the captivity of seizures, her tomb was rolled away and Jesus called her out.  Georgia will go for her first day of preschool. I'm nervous, scared, excited and anxious all rolled into one. I thought about enrolling Georgia in school before but because of the seizures I was too scared, of course anyone in my position would be. Tomorrow I will be brave and probably a basket case too. In my heart I know this is just a stepping stone to what will surely be a great thing for my Love Bug. 
   Please pray that Georgia will have a great day and that she will feel at ease, that she will not feel scared or nervous or any of those feelings I have. 

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!!! We are praying specifically for Georgia and Mom tomorrow! <3
