Georgia Lily

Georgia Lily
My Love Bug

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Dream

   I would love to say thank you so much for all the prayers, I know the Lord is faithful to finish this work He has started and I'm so glad we are surrounded by others who support and pray for Georgia. I have to list everything Georgia is doing because she is just blossoming.

1. Constant eye contact and responding to her name
2. Making the following vocal sounds, ee, mm, bb, lala, dd, and this sing-song type sound
3. Her physical abilities are increasing almost daily, she walks still with a limp but not nearly as noticeable, I have seen tremendous improvement in her ability to ride a bike, she bounces on the bed
4. Holds her foot up when it's time for shoes
5. Opening doors to go in/out
6. Will stand by the door when we tell her it's time to go
7. Pulls up pants around waist
8. Allows me to read books to her
9. Will put objects in/out of a container
10. Gives the sweetest kisses without being solicited
11. Looks at you for your reaction to things
12. Increased interaction with her brother/cousins/peers
13. Enjoys bouncing on the trampoline as well as sliding down the slide
14. More assertion of independence in a fun way (smiling and laughing when she doesn't want to do what I want her to do)
15. Her receptive language has picked up greatly
16. Will try and put on shirt with little assistance.  

I'm sure there are things I'm missing but it's so great to see all this progress.

"Ask and it be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you." Luke 11:9
A few weeks ago I was praying, talking really, to God and I asked Him, are things always going to be this way? Will Georgia always require extra assistance? Will I ever get to talk to her and have her talk back to me? Let me just tell you that if you have questions for the Father, ask Him, He will always answer. Well, that night I had a dream that my neighbor gave me a letter and that letter read: God wants you to know this is the last night Georgia will be this way. That was the end of the dream but it was significant for a number of reasons, my neighbor always has said that she sees Georgia well and whole as you and I. Also, I asked Him and He answered me, not in an audible, vocal way but through a dream. He has restored my hope and belief, at my weakest moments God always comes to the rescue and restores me when I am in doubt. "Always pray and do not lose heart." Luke 18:1 "And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind."

Also, I have been praying for the wrong thing!! Let me explain, while listening to Tim Tebow's book on CD, Tim writes about realizing at a young age that he did not want to be average, he wanted to be unique and use the talents that God has given Him to further the Kingdom. That really stuck out to me because I cannot tell you how many times I have prayed that Georgia would be "normal" but now I pray that God will use her to fulfill His unique purpose for her life. She was made differently for a reason and I pray that her testimony will reach others and that God will mold her and make her into the person she was meant to be, not the cookie cutter little girl I have prayed for, for too long. "God never dismisses a parent's prayer. Keep praying and give your child to God, and in the right time and the right way God will give your child back to you." Fearless by Max Lucado.

Thanks again for the continued prayers, we love you all.

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